Near graduates and graduates

From: 50,00 

You are about to finish your studies and you are wondering how to take your first steps in the Italian job market

  • Choose and flag the service you need
  • Proceed with the payment
  • A confirmation email will be sent to you, and you will be asked to fill out a quick questionnaire to help us start supporting you
  • Our Team will contact you within 48 hours to set your first call
  • Additional calls or in-person meetings will be scheduled, depending on the service/s you chose
Product Quantity

Residence permit conversion

The first job offer has arrived and you are eager to start working full-time. Your business plan is solid and you already have some requests from potential clients.

What's next? You need a residence permit (permesso di soggiorno) for work reasons to work as an empoyee or a self-employed person! You can apply for it only after obtaining an authorization (called in Italian "nulla osta") from the Interior Ministry.

How can we help you?
  • By offering you advice about different conversion options, requisites, and documentation
  • By assisting you with the application process

Housing eligibility (idoneità abitativa)

The first job offer has arrived and you are eager to start working full-time. A family member of yours is flying to Italy and you need to prepare the documents for family residence permit.

What's next? You need to get the so-called "idoneità abitativa" certificate (house eligibility). This document is issued by the competent Municipality and certifies that your house is suitable for 2 or more persons and it is compliant with with health and safety building regulations.

  • By offering you advice about documentation to be asked to your landlord
  • By assisting you with the application process
  • By monitoring your application

Job hunting residence permit

If your study permit is going to expire soon and you are still looking for a job you don't need to panic. There's a specific residence permit designed for you. It is called "ricerca lavoro" permit, and it gives you 1 year time to stay in Italy.

How can we help you?
  • By providing you with a complete list of requirements
  • By preparing with you the application form and checking the documents you gathered

Residence permit for family reasons

You need one or more of your family members to reach you.

How can we help you?
  • By providing you with detailed information about requisites, documents needed and steps to be followed
  • By checking the documents you have gathered and apply together for the authorization (called in Italian nulla osta) for family reunification
  • By managing communications with authorities on your behalf, if needed
  • By helping your family with residence permit application

Legally tuned

Doubts and questions related to your status as an international student may arise at any time. In addition, as graduation approaches, questions about your future increase.

We have devised a service to support you at the most critical stages of your journey. You can schedule 3 meetings (1.5 hours) with us to be advised and guided.

How does it work?
  • From the moment in which you activate the service, you have the chance to schedule 3 calls or in-person meetings (1.5h) with us to be advised and guided

General provisions

San Martino is not responsible for the procedure outcomes, whose evaluation is subjected to the Italian competent authority.

San Martino will provide You a reasonable update about the progress report of the procedure. The above update, in terms of response time and content, will be provided at sole discretion of San Martino Immigration Offices.